Why contractors have trusted us for 30 years
If you are a construction contractor having trouble getting paid on a commercial, residential, or public-city job, I am the attorney to call to be on your side. My law firm has recovered millions of dollars for general contractors and subcontractors. For over 30 years I have had the great honor of representing the best clients in the world - construction contractors! My father was a general contractor (Cosmopolitan Iron Works, Jamaica, Queens) with the New York City Board of Education. In high school, I would work with him in the summer. This experience makes me understand my clients who want their money fast and don't want to pay a fortune in legal fees.
If you want to file a mechanic's lien, please call me. I think you will find me extremely knowledgeable about mechanic's liens, and also able to suggest to you excellent strategies to get paid fast. Lien foreclosure is inexpensive and extremely effective! My law firm can help you get paid fast and protect your payment in ways that only a construction litigator can.